
Exchange with Seeking_new_sunsets


First name Keila
Native country US USA
Current country US USA
Age 33
Gender Female
Native language EN English
Studied language KO Korean
ZH Chinese (Mandarin)


Instagram XXXXXXX


I had been studying Korean for the past 6 months or so but just landed a job in Beijing for the next school year so I am switching my focus to Mandarin.

I am just starting out and would like someone who can help me with pronunciation and answering questions.

(Please only message me for Mandarin language exchange. My tip if you want to practice English is to use Ted Talk. Their subtitles and transcripts come in over 100 languages. You can use them to help you practice shadowing.)

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First name Keila
Current country US USA
Native language EN English
Studied language KO Korean
ZH Chinese (Mandarin)
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!