
Popayán Language Exchange

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  3. 🇨🇴 Popayán


She speaks :  Spanish
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hola, mi nombre es Paola Andrea lopez, me gustaira mejor mi ingles y poderte ayudar a ti con tu español. Gracias.
He speaks :  Spanish
Hola soy César Sánchez, tengo 19 años, estudio Lenguas Modernas y me gustaría practicar inglés y francés con alguien. Y así mismo ayudarle en su español :) Hi, I'm César Sánchez. I'm 19 years old I'm studying modern languages: english and french and I'd like to practice them with a partner at the sam time to help him or her improving his/her spanish :) Salut, J'suis César Sánchez, j'ai 19 ans,j'étudie langues modernes . J'aimerais pratiquer les langues que j'apprends: L'anglais et le france avec quelqu'un et et les aider à améliorer leur espagnol :)
He speaks :  Spanish
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is gustavo and I live in Popayán, in Colombia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.
He speaks :  Spanish
Hello, My name is fran and I live in Popayán, in Colombia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.